JANELLE ROCCAFORTEJenelle Roccaforte is a San Francisco Bay Area upright bassist and guitarist. Born in Los Angeles, CA she grew up listening to jazz at her family's restaurant and jazz club, Colombo's in LA, and gained a strong affinity for the music. Jenelle plays a wide variety of music including jazz, funk, soul, brazilian music, and blues and enjoys blending genres. She studied music at the California Jazz Conservatory and has performed at many local venues and festivals in the bay area and around California. Note worthy performances and venues include the Eureka Jazz festival, San Jose Jazz Winter Festival, Eagle Rock Music Festival, The Chapel, El Rio, Brick and Mortar, Santa Clara Convention Center, and more.
Roccaforte Jazz ensemble part 2
Feel Like Makin Love (D'Angelo cover) Jenelle Roccaforte, Colin Hogan, Dillon Vado
BLUE HONEY jazz band "lullaby"